Check out our Video!
Made by and with our students from the ModGLD.
Student Work
Check out this link to see examples of students’ work.
And this one: https://sway.office.com/hVG2pvYhurjb1G5C
Notice for:
Parents/Guardians of students with Moderate General Learning Disabilities.
Clonkeen College opened a new Moderate General Learning Disabilities class in August 2013. As part of the major building works completed in 2017, the college opened a purpose built classroom for students with this disability. The space consists of several classrooms, a central activities area, an outdoor courtyard and a multi sensory room.
Please note that Clonkeen’s is not an ASD specific class and a list of such classes is available here.
L1, Clonkeen College’s class for students with Moderate General Learning Disability promotes numeracy and literacy on a daily basis alongside the teaching of life skills such as the use of money in shops, independent travel, personal and social skills and meal preparation. Students also take part in weekly activities such as kayaking, museum trips and horse riding. The students work on Level 2 Learning Programmes which is the NCCA developed curriculum for students who have a higher moderate, to lower mild intellectual disability. There is a strong focus on integration and inclusion and efforts are made to integrate students with their mainstream peers through TY work experience placements in L1, presence on the Student Council and Green Schools Committee and inclusion in suitable mainstream classes where feasible.
The current timetable is 8:50 to 15:15 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:50 to 13:15 on Wednesday and 8:50 to 15:15 on Friday.
Transport to school for students is applied for via the NCSE and where granted provided by the Department of Transport.
You can view this short video made in conjunction with the transition year module USN (Understanding Special Needs) to get an idea of the day to day activities and interactions the Mod GLD students partake in. click here.
Applications are invited from parents/guardians of boys with a moderate general learning disability. The application form for this special base class is available on request from reception@clonkeencollege.ie.
The school accepts applications from pupils the year they enter 6th class.The Clonkeen College Admissions Policy, which governs the criteria for selection to this class, is available to download here. https://www.clonkeencollege.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Approved-Admissions-Policy-Approved-02-06-2020.pdf